Ruby 1.9.2 リファレンスマニュアル > ライブラリ一覧 > drbライブラリ > DRb::DRbObjectクラス
class DRb::DRbObject
クラスの継承リスト: DRb::DRbObject < Object < Kernel < BasicObject
Object wrapping a reference to a remote drb object.
Method calls on this object are relayed to the remote object that this object is a stub for.
Unmarshall a marshalled DRbObject.
If the referenced object is located within the local server, then the object itself is returned. Otherwise, a new DRbObject is created to act as a stub for the remote referenced object.
new(obj, uri=nil)
Create a new remote object stub.
obj is the (local) object we want to create a stub for. Normally this is nil. uri is the URI of the remote object that this will be a stub for.
Create a new DRbObject from a URI alone.
self == other
DRb::DRbObject オブジェクト同士の同値判定は、 オブジェクトが参照している URI と識別子が等しいかどうかでします。
Get the reference of the object, if local.
Get the URI of the remote object.
method_missing(msg_id, *a, &b)
Routes method calls to the referenced object.