Ruby 1.9.2 リファレンスマニュアル > ライブラリ一覧 > library net/imap

library net/imap


IMAP プロトコルを扱うライブラリです。

Net::IMAP implements Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) clients. The IMAP protocol is described in [RFC2060].

Net::IMAP supports multiple commands. For example,

imap ="", "imap2")
imap.authenticate("cram-md5", "bar", "password")"inbox")
fetch_thread = Thread.start { imap.fetch(1..-1, "UID") }
search_result =["BODY", "hello"])
fetch_result = fetch_thread.value

This script invokes the FETCH command and the SEARCH command concurrently.



class Net::IMAP

IMAP access class.

class Net::IMAP::Address

Net::IMAP::Address represents electronic mail addresses.

class Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic

Net::IMAP::BodyTypeBasic represents basic body structures of messages.

class Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage

Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMessage represents MESSAGE/RFC822 body

structures of messages.
class Net::IMAP::BodyTypeMultipart
class Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText

Net::IMAP::BodyTypeText represents TEXT body structures of messages.

class Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition

Net::IMAP::ContentDisposition represents Content-Disposition fields.

class Net::IMAP::ContinuationRequest

Net::IMAP::ContinuationRequest represents command continuation requests.

class Net::IMAP::CramMD5Authenticator

Authenticator for the "CRAM-MD5" authentication type. See Net::IMAP#authenticate.

class Net::IMAP::DigestMD5Authenticator

Authenticator for the "DIGEST-MD5" authentication type. See Net::IMAP#authenticate.

class Net::IMAP::Envelope

Net::IMAP::Envelope represents envelope structures of messages.

class Net::IMAP::FetchData

Net::IMAP::FetchData represents contents of the FETCH response.

class Net::IMAP::LoginAuthenticator

Authenticator for the "LOGIN" authentication type. See Net::IMAP#authenticate.

class Net::IMAP::MailboxACLItem

Net::IMAP::MailboxACLItem represents response from GETACL.

class Net::IMAP::MailboxList

Net::IMAP::MailboxList represents contents of the LIST response.

class Net::IMAP::MailboxQuota

Net::IMAP::MailboxQuota represents contents of GETQUOTA response. This object can also be a response to GETQUOTAROOT. In the syntax specification below, the delimiter used with the "#" construct is a single space (SPACE).

class Net::IMAP::MailboxQuotaRoot

Net::IMAP::MailboxQuotaRoot represents part of the GETQUOTAROOT response. (GETQUOTAROOT can also return Net::IMAP::MailboxQuota.)

class Net::IMAP::PlainAuthenticator

Authenticator for the "PLAIN" authentication type. See Net::IMAP#authenticate.

class Net::IMAP::ResponseCode

Net::IMAP::ResponseCode represents response codes.

class Net::IMAP::ResponseText

Net::IMAP::ResponseText represents texts of responses. The text may be prefixed by the response code.

class Net::IMAP::StatusData

Net::IMAP::StatusData represents contents of the STATUS response.

class Net::IMAP::TaggedResponse

Net::IMAP::TaggedResponse represents tagged responses.

class Net::IMAP::ThreadMember

Net::IMAP::ThreadMember represents a thread-node returned by Net::IMAP#thread

class Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse

Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse represents untagged responses.


class Net::IMAP::Error

Superclass of all IMAP errors.

class Net::IMAP::DataFormatError

Error raised when data is in the incorrect format.

class Net::IMAP::ResponseParseError

Error raised when a response from the server is non-parseable.

class Net::IMAP::ResponseError

Superclass of all errors used to encapsulate "fail" responses from the server.

class Net::IMAP::NoResponseError

Error raised upon a "NO" response from the server, indicating that the client command could not be completed successfully.

class Net::IMAP::BadResponseError

Error raised upon a "BAD" response from the server, indicating that the client command violated the IMAP protocol, or an internal server failure has occurred.

class Net::IMAP::ByeResponseError

Error raised upon a "BYE" response from the server, indicating that the client is not being allowed to login, or has been timed out due to inactivity.

